<==== This is you!
Be your cutest self with the hundreds of characterization options found throughout Pira city! Flee from the authorities in style, and collect furniture, posters and toys to decorate your apartment while you're at it.
This is the world! ====>
Well, a small part of it anyway. Pira city is full of locations to explore, from your friends apartments the Gelcorp, the massive laboratory that dominates the glowing, apocalyptic skyline. Visit your friends at work, meet the store owners, check out the club, the mall, the diner, and the various other pockets of civilization tucked into the ruins.

Q: Where are my save files located?
A: save file location on windows: C:\Users\USERFOLDER\AppData\Roaming\Godot\app_userdata\HARDCODED save file location on mac: ~/Users/USERFOLDER/.godot/app_userdata/HARDCODED/
Q: I want to join the sticker tier on the patreon but I live outside the US. Do you ship internationally?
A: Heck yes we do :D
Q: Will Hardcoded get an android release?
A: I'm going to look into porting it after the official release, but still, it's unlikely.